My dear readers..
First of all, I would like to congratulate all of you who have reached my blog. I know it must be really hard, since I just made this blog a few minutes ago. Haha! But it's really an honor to accept your visits. I hope you enjoyed this little piece of my mind.
I also would like to introduce you a simple man who made this blog, which is me. Named Nico, I'm originally born in Indonesia, and inherit the chinese genes from my parents. I love Indonesia, of course not as much as I love leaving it right away, but there're so much to talk about, the people, the cultures, the food, and of course the ladies... ^^. So, since I've already lived in Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia) for longer than I should, I figure it might be interesting to share my knowledge upon this cute little city in the largest archipelago country in the world.
Obviously, being an Indonesian born chinese doesn't make me an English expert. So, in the near future, you'll see more of my writings had a lot of false gramatical and vocabulary. I personally would like to call it "Indonglish", a horrible mixture of my disastrous knowledge of English with Indonesian grammar.
Well, whatever, we'll talk a lot about Indonesia anyway, disaster is already on the house. I'm living it, and yet I survived. What makes you won't?
And here goes the story...
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